Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Ok, I realize the title seems kind of...scary. No worries. I've been thinking recently about what I think about. I know that is confusing, and weird. Who thinks about what they think about? Well, it happens.

Anyways, I've found that these are some of the main things I think about:

quotes from books I'm reading that just stick with me, and how I need to start making a journal of all these great lines. This one has been in my mind recently from the book The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins "Where is the woman who has ever really torn from her heart the image that has been once fixed in it by a true love? Books tell us that such unearthly creatures have existed--but what does our own experience say in answer to books?"

Dance. Recently I've started dance classes, and I feel like I am accomplishing so much in them. I get a sort of rush when I get a figure just right. I think about the music and the steps a lot.

Music. Music is such a huge influence in my life. I will get the lyrics of one line in my head that I will think about and just apply in my life during that time. Songs really do control my emotions, and how I feel after I listen to them. I'm always thinking about songs I want to learn, and write. I don't think there are words to exactly say my feelings about music. When I practice piano or guitar, it is a huge release, and I even get so into playing songs that it affects my body. I will laugh, sweat, or even shake (really fast songs).

Accomplishing more. I think about how much more there is that I haven't done or experienced. This lead to me making a list of goals to start out with which I will post.

So those are the main things, and of course, much more runs through my mind. I find these subjects cross it the most though. I recommend everyone to try this sometime. It really put a perspective on what it is that defines who I am in a way. What you think carries on to what you do and to who you are, right? I remember someone said that they liked writing songs because they felt that it was something that was uniquely theirs and it really struck a chord with me. That was exactly how I felt about things like painting, and writing. Well, anyways, I decided while writing this not to post my whole list of goals, but here is a sampling:

Perform more for people (piano and guitar)

stretch every night

eat breakfast

realize the potential to have a good friend in everyone

resolve issues

start writing in a journal

lyrics in my head at the moment
"give me back my point of view cuz I just can't think for you"--look what you've done, by Jet